
Showing posts from January, 2019

Tips and Tricks. II

My 11+ years of running along with some research has taught me some helful strategies! 1. Running diary. For every run I record my time, distance, pace, as well as the temperature and how I felt during and after. And any other relevant factors. I also write down my non running exercise-swimming and fitness center workouts. 2. Caffeine. This drug has been shown to have a positive effect on endurance. It acts to stimulate the central nervous system, is absorbed within 45 min, and begins to wear off in 3-4 hours. About 85 recommended. A soft drink contains around 50 mg, an "energy" drink, much more. However, be careful.I did the NJ marathon in 2008, had too much caffeine and experienced heart palpitations. It took almost 7 hours to finish! 3. Mantras. It improves my pace if I repeat an inspiring phrase over and over. My current favorites are "Light, Strong, Fast, Smooth, Easy" and "I feel good, I feel strong, I can do this all day long!" 4. I wear a fit