My Training

I swim, work out and run/walk.
1. Swimming. I swim 5 days a week, usually in the morning before work, for a half hour. I am a slow swimmer, I alternate breast stroke, freestyle, backstroke and elementary backstroke. On Boyd's advice, I have recently added using the kickboard. Don't know how many laps I swim, I lose count!
2. Fitness center workout once a week. I use the elliptical for 6 minutes, then a combination of free weights, machines and a little plyometrics. It takes around 45 minutes. I bike .6 miles to the center.
3. Run/walk. I started seriously training in April. (Before then, I went out once a week for 8 miles) Now I train 3 days a week. Twice I do 5.4 miles, usually after
work. I do my long training once a week, starting before dawn, adding a few tenths a week, so now I am up to 14.3 miles.

I wear a fit bit to track my miles, and also my heart rate. I find that except for the first minute or two, my heart rate is at "peak", average 145-150/min the whole time.
Being a creature of habit, I follow the same route every time. It feels safer, I know every crack in the road!
I cycle through run/walk. Sometimes I count steps, or run 2 lamp posts, walk 1 lamp post, or run thru shade, walk thru sun, anything to keep moving! I think I run about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way.
So that's it! But Boyd says "TMI"!!! Do you agree?
Any training suggestions?


  1. I think the detail you keep and share makes sense. Many of the people I admire make it a point of building a spreadsheet or a detailed log and it helps them to not only be succesful in the short term but to keep it up for even greater success.

    Keep it up and I hope you are as careful of stepping on sidewalk cracks as i am! ;-)


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